Sunday, June 23, 2013

curriculum vitae

Richard Samuel Deese

Senior Lecturer, Division of Social Sciences
Boston University
College of General Studies
871 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215



Forthcoming: Climate Change and the Future of Democracy Springer, 2018.

Surf Music. Pelekinesis Press, 2017

We Are Amphibians: Julian & Aldous Huxley on the Future of Our Species. University of California Press, 2014.

Book Chapters:

 "Between Progress and Armageddon: the Stakes of Our Times" in Posthumanism: the Future of Homo SapiensMichael Bess and Diana Walsh Pasulka, eds. Cengage: 2018

“The New Ecology of Power: Julian Huxley and Aldous Huxley in the Cold War Era” in Environmental Histories of the Cold War. J. R. McNeill and Corinna Unger, eds. Cambridge University Press,  2010, Pages 279-300.


Guest Editor, Sustainability, May 18th, 2012. 
Special Issue: "Tragedy or Transcendence" Reflections on 'The Tragedy of the Commons'" URL:


“The Gospel of Eve: Bacon, Genesis and the Telos of Modern Science” Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. Spring, 2018

“Beyond Brave New World: The Post-Huxleyan Feminism of Elisabeth Mann Borgese” Aldous Huxley Annual. Volume 16, Lit Verlag, 2018.

"From World War to World Law: Elisabeth Mann Borgese and the Law of the Sea" World History Bulletin. Spring, 2017.

“Twilight of Utopias: Julian & Aldous Huxley in the Twentieth Century” in the Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. Vol. 5, No. 2. June 2011.

“Sustainable Development.” in Oxford Bibliographies Online: International Relations. Ed. Cathal Nolan. New York: Oxford University Press, January 2011.

“Teaching History with Blogs – A Case Study of Student Engagement.” Kumar, S. & Deese, R. S.  In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2010 (pp. 2011-2016). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

 “The Artifact of Nature: ‘Spaceship Earth’ and the dawn of global environmentalism” Endeavour, Volume 33, Issue 2, June 2009, Pages 70-75.

 “A Metaphor at Midlife: ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’ Turns 40” Endeavour, Volume 32, Issue 4, December 2008, Pages 152-155.

Book Reviews

Review of From Eve to Evolution: Darwin, Science and Women's Rights in Gilded Age America by Kimberly A. Hamlin in Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. Spring, 2017.

Review of Religion and Ecology: Developing a Planetary Ethic by Whitney A. Bauman in The Journal of Religion, vol 96, no. 2. April, 2016.

Review of Fixing the Sky: The Checkered History of Weather and Climate Control by James Rodger Fleming (Columbia University Press, 2010) in H-Net Roundtable Reviews, May 2011.

Encyclopedia Articles

“U.S. Environmental Movements, 18th c. to the Present.” Encyclopedia of American Reform Movements, Vol. I, John R. Mckivigan, Ph.d., Heather Kaufman, eds. Facts on File, 2011.

“Radical Environmentalism.” Encyclopedia of American Reform Movements, Vol. II, John R. Mckivigan, Ph.d., Heather Kaufman, eds. Facts on File, 2011.

 “Public Works and the Environment” Encyclopedia of American Environmental History, Ed. Kathleen A. Brosnan, Facts on File, 2010, Pages 1087-1089.

 “The Foreign Policy of the Fillmore Administration.” U.S. Presidents and Foreign Policy, 1789 to the Present, Ed. Cathal Nolan, ABC-CLIO, 2007, Pages 104-109.


"Beyond Brave New World: the Post-Huxleyan Feminism of Elisabeth Mann Borgese." Keynote Address to Aldous Huxley Society Symposium. University of Almería , Spain. April, 2017. 

"From World War to World Law: Elisabeth Mann Borgese and the Law of the Sea." World History Association annual conference in Ghent University, Belgium, July, 2016.

"Butterfly Ballots / Butterfly Effect: Democracy & Climate Change Since the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election," American Society for Environmental History 2015 conference in Washington, D.C. March 2015.

"'We Are Making a New World': Total War and the Transformation of Nature"  American Historical Association Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. January 2014.

"'We Are Amphibians': Evolution and the Art of Aldous Huxley" Fifth International Aldous Huxley Symposium. Balliol College, Oxford University. Oxford, UK.
September 2013.

"An Island on the Land: Aldous Huxley and the Transformation of Postwar Los Angeles" International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 2012 Conference, Pepperdine University. Malibu, California. August 2012.

"Black Gold Under Shangri-La: the Role of Oil in Aldous Huxley's Island" Cultures of Energy Spring Symposium, Rice University. Houston, Texas. April 2012.

"From Bikini to the Club of Rome: Cold War Technologies and Global Environmentalism" American Society for Environmental History panel affiliated with the American Historical Association Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois. January 2012. 

“Agnostic Gospels: Divining Nature in the Work of Julian and Aldous Huxley” American Historical Association Annual Conference. Boston, Massachusetts. January 2011.

 “Teaching History with Blogs – A Case Study of Student Engagement.” Swapna Kumar and R.S. Deese. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. Toronto, Canada. June 2010.

“From Chipko to Wangari Maathai: Ecology & Modernity in the Postcolonial World” 
World History Association Conference. Salem, Massachusetts. June 2009.

“Inventing Spaceship Earth: Cold War Technologies the Dawn of Global Environmentalism”  World History Association panel affiliated with American Historical Association Annual Conference. New York City. January 2009.

“Ecologies of Empire: Julian Huxley, UNESCO, and the Birth of Global Environmentalism”
  Three Societies Conference, Oxford University. Oxford, England. July 2008.

“On the Destiny of Species: Julian and Aldous Huxley in the Cold War Era”
Conference on the Cold War and Environmental History, German Historical Institute. Washington, D.C.  May 2007.


Poles Apart, Melting Together: Science and the Humanities Confront the Anthropocene
With Dean Natalie McKnight, and Professors Charles Henebry and Joelle Renstrom   
College of General Studies, Boston University 
Boston, June 2015.

Teaching Globalization: 
Crossing Borders / Crossing Disciplines 
With Dean Natalie McKnight and Professor Cheryl Boots  
College of General Studies, Boston University 
Boston, June 2013.


"If the War didn't happen to kill you, it was bound to start you thinking": the Great War and Ideology
American Historical Association Annual Conference. Washington, D.C., January 2014.

Scientists as Activists since 1945.
American Society for Environmental History panel affiliated with American Historical Association Annual Conference. Chicago,  January 2012.

A Temple Without Walls: Environmentalism as ‘Secular Religion’
American Historical Association Annual Conference. Boston,  January 2011.

Ecologies of Knowledge / Ecologies of Power: Environmental Science, Public Health, and Transnational Organizations in the Cold War Era  World History Association panel affiliated with American Historical Association Annual Conference. New York City, January 2009.


University of California Berkeley, History: B.A., 1988.

University of Oregon, History: M.A., 1993.

Boston University, Creative Writing: M.A., 1994.

Boston University, History: Ph.D., 2007.


“Ecology and the Gospel of Progress: Julian and Aldous Huxley in the American Century”
Boston University, 2007


Lecturer, History, Boston University, 2011-12
Visiting Assistant Professor, History, Northeastern University, 2009-11
Visiting Assistant Professor, History, Boston University, 2008-09
Lecturer, History, Northeastern University, 2006-09
Lecturer, History, Boston University, 2005-08
Graduate Teaching Fellow, History, Boston University, 2003-05
Lecturer, English Composition, University of California Riverside, 1999-02
Lecturer, History and English Composition, Los Angeles City College, 1997-99
Lecturer, English Composition, Boston University, 1995-96; Fall, 2009
Graduate Teaching Fellow, Creative Writing, Boston University, 1993-94
Graduate Teaching Fellow, History, University of Oregon, 1991-93
Lecturer, English Composition, Nanjing University, China, 1991


Honorable Mentor, Spring 2014. Boston University.
Excellence in Teaching Award Nominee, Spring 2011. Northeastern University.
Humanities Foundation Award, 2007. Boston University Humanities Foundation.
Engelbourg Travel Fellowship, 2006. Boston University Department of History.
Graduate Research Abroad Fellowship, 2006. Boston University Graduate School.
Outstanding Teaching Fellow Award, 2004-2005. Boston University Department of History.
Graduate Teaching Fellowship, 2003- 2005. Boston University College of Arts & Sciences.


Graduate Seminars

Environmental History of North America

Readings in Global Environmental History

Readings in American Political History: The U.S. in a Transnational Context

Upper Division Undergraduate Lectures/Seminars

Speaking Truth to Power: Science and Political Engagement in the Twentieth Century

Global Environmental History

Environmental History of the Cold War

Directed Study: Religion and Environmentalism

Technology and American Popular Culture, Early Republic to Present

Intellectual History of U.S., 1900 to Present

Political and Cultural History of U.S., 1945 to Present

The Modern U.S. Presidency                                

Lower Division Undergraduate Courses / Seminars

U.S. History Survey

Online U.S. History Survey

U.S. History, Colonial to Civil War

U.S. History, Reconstruction to Present

Technology and Nature in New England (Writing Seminar)

The Historian’s Craft (Historiography Seminar)

Topics in Environmental History: Natural Disasters

East Asian Civilization

Western Civilization

Introduction to World History

World History to 1500

World History since 1500

Global History since 1945
